About Me

Evening!         Haa! I dont normally talk like that, felt awful formal then! 

So I guess i'll start by giving you a little bit of background. I have done lots of education/nursery/playscheme work with children of all ages and abilities.
 I've graduated, and am Level 3 qualified. 
I love working with children, although in which capacity, such as teaching, therapy, playing, ect keeps changing!Originally, I wanted to go into Play Therapy, but they put degree and age requirements up, so that went down the pan... I discovered ABA Therapy through volunteering, applied to do that, but got rejected due to a few issues with past lectures at Uni. As a child i wanted to be a teacher, and this cropped up again, I thought about SpLD teaching, was on track to do my MA, but I really wasn't going to get a bank loan, and needed to work... and even though  I started to work at getting my C in Maths,  to gain my QTS, which i totally struggle with, but now they want a B. And thats not going to happen!

So here, i am wondering what do with my life, as i had planned to get it all sorted by the time i was 25.. Im 24 now .. again, that idea is down the pan.I have lots of little jobs, trying to make a bit of money to get where i need to be.. Driving mainly! Shop work, pub work, supply LSA work, and supply Nursery work. I know right?! Should be loaded... sadly, im not :(

I was supply at one nursery for almost two years, and for 6 months i had been given two key children of my own and a permanent group. Excited!. :)This came about by putting myself forward to look after the boys, after i was informed they'd need 1:1 care. Being brave paid off for once!The boys are total darlings. They have additional needs, and language is limited. However their understanding is beyond amazing, and they arevery energetic. They always keep me on my toes!

I was told i need to have a think of some activities to put into the planning, and that i'll need to start doing observations, and assessments for them. All new to me!
I'd had a few ideas anyway, such as sensory activities with the farm, because all the children love the farm! I'll post more on that once i get round to it. I saw the idea on Pinterest, i got very excited about it! I'm not kidding i spend my life on that site! :/ 
So the activities i need to think of are based on motor skills, especially cutting. So I've spent an entire afternoon searching Pinterest for inspiration, and wracking my brain over and over thinking, what can i do to make it exciting for the boys? I saw a few ideas, that were actually unrelated to the cutting skills, that gave me ideas. I finally gave up, put everything down and made a cuppa. And then it hit me!
The boys love cars, and traffic lights! I come up with an idea, involving said items and scissors.

And, then i came up with the even more random idea, of starting a blog. Hence the name! I've seen 10000s of people do it, and about things that, frankly leave me going, ''Why!?'' Harsh i know, but.. I thought that if i can place my ideas in once place, especially where they wont get lost, than i can start a little project for myself to see just what I can (and can't) do, and where exactly my ahem, ''creative talents'' may lie. And this will hopefully help my decide where i am headed career wise!!

I currently have just landed a job running breakfast and and afterschool clubs in a day nursery, during term time and then full time 'playscheme style' during holidays. I have a million ideas and i cant wait to get started.  EEEKK! :oD

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